MM-PG36 齒輪箱馬達

MM-PG36 齒輪箱馬達






● 使用電壓範圍: 21~27VDC

● 額定電壓: 24VDC

● 額定負載: 10.5Kgf-cm 

● 使用溫度範圍: -10~+60 ℃

● 保存溫度範圍: -30~+85 ℃

● 測試狀態: 水平



● 最大空載電流: 0.19A

● 無載轉速: 71 ±7 rpm

● 額定負載電流: 0.6A

● 額定負載轉速: 60 ±6 rpm

● 最小啟動轉矩: 65Kgf-cm

● 最大啟動電流: 3.5A

● 絕緣電阻(500V): 20MΩ

● 耐電壓測試: 250VAC

● 馬達刷型態: Brushless

● 最大效率點之輸出功率: 6.5W



● 減速機型式: 行星式減速機

● 減速比: 1/56

● 齒輪材料: Metal

● 容許額定扭力: 20Kgf-cm

● 容許瞬間扭力: 40Kgf-cm

● 最大容許軸向力: 3.0Kgf

● 最大容許徑向力: 8.0Kgf

● 輸出軸最大偏擺: 0.04mm

● 最大軸向間隙: 0.30mm

● 軸承型式: Dual Ball

● 淨重: 477±20 grams



● Red wire (+) of the controller is connected to +24 VDC,and black wire (-) to GND. 

● Green wire is connected to +5VDC, and black wire to GND.

● When the white wire is shut off, the motor runs at 4000rpm (the highest), CW 

● The motor stops running when the white wire is connected to black one.

● When the yellow wire was connected to black one, the motor runs with CCW.

● The blue wire which can be detected by OSC means speed signal output.

Red 24 VDC
Black Ground
Yellow Connect to Black (CCW)
Green 0~5 VDC (Speed Control)
Blue FG
White Connect to Black (Stop)